In flames I burn 焚心以火

Translate the lyrics of the theme song In flames I burn of the movie A Terra-Cotta Warrior from Chinese to English.
In flames I burn 焚心以火
In flames I burn, let inferno devour me,
Scorch my heart, spewing a love hymn free.
Undaunted with no fear, into love's blaze I leap,
Refuse to sink, into the yellow earth so deep.
Let me write a song, let the rest know that I've been here,
Let the world know of you and me, in joys and woes.
In flames I burn, etch my heart with love's sear.
My fiery heart, yellow earth can’t bury it sealed.
Undaunted with no fear, into love's blaze I leap.
Refuse to sink, into the yellow earth six deep.
Let me write a song, let the rest know that I've been here,
Let the world know of you and me, in joys and woes.
In flames I burn, etch my heart with love's sear.
My fiery heart, yellow earth can’t bury it sealed.
Notes 备注
1. 主题曲对应电影中的场景是一身红衣的冬儿被火海吞没,为爱献身,无怨无悔。
2. "Inferno"来自意大利语,“如火地狱”之意,参见但丁《神曲》。在英语中引申特指“a large fire that is dangerously out of control”。
3. 因为歌词发音的缘故,将“我要写下诗”中的“诗”翻译成song。
1. The theme song corresponds to a scene in the movie where Dong'er, dressed in red, is devoured by a sea of fire (inferno), sacrificing herself for love without any complaints or regrets.
2. "Inferno" is originated from Italian, "hell (with reference to Dante's Divine Comedy)". It's extended to refer to "a large fire that is dangerously out of control".
3. Due to the pronunciation of the lyrics, the word "诗" is translated as "song".
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- Post title: In flames I burn 焚心以火
- Create time: 2023-07-03 12:00:00
- Post link: 2023/07/03/20230703-lyrics-in-flames-i-burn/
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