How to design a personal "scorecard" for poetry creation and appreciation, along with an example of scoring

In my previous post: The 8 key elements of poetry writing and appreciation, I delineated 8 key elements for poetry writing and appreciation.
我在前一篇文章:诗歌创作和鉴赏的8大要素 中总结了诗歌创作与欣赏最关键的8要素。
The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate how I apply those elements in practice by designing a quantitative scoring system.
I emphasize that this is a "DIY" system so that others can adjust the parameters and modify the structure according to our own standards.这篇的主要目的是如何将方法论中的要素应用到实践,设计自己的量化评分表。当然,读者需要对统计学上的“量化”有基本的概念。
Each item in the scorecard has a maximum score of 10 points, following the traditional practice of passing with a minimum score of 6 out of 10, as seen in exams worldwide.
Some considerations as I design the scoring system are:
- I believe "Artistic aesthetics" of poetry are mainly reflected through rhythm and tempo, concise language form, and rhyme, etc. So I didn't repeat scoring item "Artistic aesthetics" in the scorecard.
- The weight I assign to each scoring item reflects my personal view on their importance in poetry. I believe "Rhyme" is more about demonstrating skills in classical poetry but not critical for being masterpieces. It has been mostly abandoned in modern poetry, so I give it a lighter weight.
- In contrast to precedent items, "Creative breakthroughs" is highly valued by me with extra weights (the breakthrough can lie in the form, the content, the ideology etc).The extra weights also reiterate a fundamental viewpoint in my previous article: "During the appreciation, it is for important the commenters to have a historical perspective." I personally would hold today's poets to higher standards in "creativeness, breakthrough, and uniqueness" when I evaluate their works, with scores rarely over 5 on this specific item.
- Personal experience inevitably affects how we relate to and appreciate a specific poem. “One man's meat is another man's poison”, hence I add an item of "Personal preference" despite its subjectivity. I reduced its weight just to be fair.
- 诗歌的“艺术美感”主要是通过“音律节奏”、“精炼语言”、“押韵格律”来体现,所以在评分卡中不需要重复。
- 评分卡中的权重是个人对于这些要素在诗歌中重要性的调节。我个人认为“押韵格律”在古体诗中是对技巧的体现,但并不是决定诗歌是否是杰作的重要因素。是在现代诗中,已经基本完全被放弃,所以给予较轻的权重。
- 反之,个人对于诗歌中是否有相对前人的“创新突破”非常看重(创新突破可以包括形式、内容、思想,等等等等,这里也重复印证了我前一篇文章的一个基本观点:欣赏时要有历史视角。)站在巨人肩膀上的今人在“创新”,“突破”,“独特”上应该被加以更严格的标准。也就是说,我个人在评价今人的诗歌时,基本评分很少可能超过6分,5分到顶了。
- 最后,每个人对于不同具体诗歌的体验时不可避免地会和自己的经历相关联,会有不同程度的“共情”,“人之蜜糖,我之毒药”。所以在评分卡中特地加上一项和理论要素无关的“个人偏好”,只是既然是主观的“个人偏好”,难免应该减轻权重以示公平。
The above is my personal approach to designing a scorecard for poetry appreciation. To better illustrate how to utilize this scorecard, I've applied it to one of my own compositions, scoring it myself. This particular poem was inspired and written following the theme of another poet's work. The entire process of creating and translating it took no more than an hour.
Here it is:
Again and again I strive,
Breaking free from despair.
For I hear the sirens,
Singing out loud in the air.
Within their songs, promises reside,
From distant shores, where dreams arise.
I offer myself, a sacrifice,
To unceasing freedom and boundless wilds.
It is evident that, to me, this work barely passes muster, falling short in several key items. However, during its creation, I paid attention to employing imagery techniques, as well as a series of skills related to musical rhythm, meter, and rhyme.
Whether one is a poet or an appreciator of poetry, being able to analyze using a scientific method, rather than making broad, subjective statements like "I just like it", marks a significant advancement. It's crucial to discern the difference between "good" and "not good", and to understand why something is 'good' and where its merits lie.
Of course, what I'm sharing here is merely a basic methodology of scientific analysis, intended to improve myself together with fellow poetry enthusiasts."
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- Post title: How to design a personal "scorecard" for poetry creation and appreciation, along with an example of scoring
- Create time: 2023-07-18 12:00:00
- Post link: 2023/07/18/20230718-poetry-appreciation-scorecard/
- Copyright notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA 4.0 unless stating additionally.