To a little girl who has a flower under the jaw

A poem in 4 languages: English| Italiano | Français | 中文
致 - 頜下有朵花的小女孩
A una bambina che ha un fiore sotto la mascella
A une petite fille qui a une fleur sous la mâchoire
A poem in the format of image and then it was minted in the blockchain as NFTart.
Una poesia in formato immagine e poi coniata nella blockchain come NFTart.
Un poème sous forme d'image, puis frappé dans la blockchain en tant que NFTart.
Notes 备注
I dedicate this poem to an Italian little girl that I used to meet every now and then on the subway. She had an angelic face. Every time we met, I couldn't help but approach her and say Ciao. I listened to her soft voice as she responds, then she would shyly look at me from behind her mother. I always focused my gaze on her forehead, where her skin was as fair as snow. I hoped the large patch of red beneath her jaw was just a birthmark because I didn't want to imagine that she had experienced any other pain at such a young age. I wish her all the best!
Dedico questa poesia a una piccola ragazza italiana che incontravo di tanto in tanto sulla metropolitana. Aveva un viso angelico. Ogni volta che ci incontravamo, non potevo fare a meno di avvicinarmi e dire Ciao. Ascoltavo la sua voce delicata mentre rispondeva, poi timidamente mi guardava da dietro sua madre. Fissavo sempre il suo fronte, dove la sua pelle era candida come la neve. Speravo che la grande macchia rossa sotto la sua mascella fosse solo un neo perché non volevo immaginare che avesse subito altro dolore a così giovane età. Le auguro tutto il bene del mondo!
Je dédie ce poème à une petite fille italienne que je rencontrais de temps en temps dans le métro. Elle avait un visage angélique. À chaque fois que nous nous croisions, je ne pouvais m'empêcher de m'approcher d'elle et de dire Ciao. J'écoutais sa voix douce lorsqu'elle répondait, puis elle me regardait timidement de derrière sa mère. Je fixais toujours son front, où sa peau était aussi claire que la neige. J'espérais que la grande tache rouge sous sa mâchoire était juste une tache de naissance, car je ne voulais pas imaginer qu'elle ait pu connaître d'autres souffrances à un si jeune âge. Je lui souhaite tout le meilleur!
Tribute 致敬
In tribute to Ezra Pound‘s
In a Station of the Metro
The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.
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- Post title: To a little girl who has a flower under the jaw
- Create time: 2023-05-23 12:00:00
- Post link: 2023/05/23/20230523-little-girl/
- Copyright notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA 4.0 unless stating additionally.